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Vaibhav Devnani Vaibhav Devnani Follow Aug 18, 2022 · 1 min read
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This project is a wysiwyg website maker made for people with no tech experience, a user will have to authorise the app with a github account and on the platform user can create a static website choosing from one of the templates, and publishing it will deploy it on his github account on github pages using github apis making it fully free to host. The user can also create a blog and use the platform as an easy to use CMS just like wordpress.

The application itself is a fully client side static web app which manages all the edits on the clients system and no data is shared with us while also keeping the hosting costs for us completely free, so the platform will be fully free to use and users can mainly use it for personal pages, business pages, club pages etc. https://github.com/vaibhavdevnani7/ssg_platform