
This page is a collection of my favourite books, blogs, articles, podcasts, and videos which I want to share with the world.

In-Depth article about intricacies of Blockchain

Written by Prabath Siriwardena, this article clears all misconceptions around blockchain and mining of blocks. Goes in depth into the functioning of bitcoin and ethereum blockchain, levels of difficulties, block time, ghost protocol… Click here to check it out!

In Blockchain, Tech, Jan 18, 2019

A visual introduction to machine learning

A beautiful demonstration made by Stephanie and Tony, which introduces you to statistics and machine learning in an engrossing way. Starts with introducing the logic behind how computers make decisions with machine learning, and by the end convinces you that ml is not magic, just high level statistics. Click here to check it out!

In Machine Learning, Tech, Jan 18, 2019

Best Book to Get Started with Arduinos

Written by John Boxall, this book starts with absolute basics and is specifically designed for beginners. It covers everything from leds to gps-receivers. Even though designed for beginners it covers all concepts with full clarity taking all intricacies into account. Available to buy and download. Or dm me if you want the pdf ; ).

In Microcontrollers, Electronics, Jan 18, 2019

My absolute favourite book for Python so far!

This is one fun book to learn Python, especially for a beginner. First part of the book provides a basic understanding of the language, which done very quickly. Then starts part II, which consists of a number of projects, while diving into certain specific areas relevant to each chapter.

In Python, Tech, Programming, Jan 18, 2019

Jay Carlson's Blog

Amazing blog to read if you want to learn more about getting started with embedded hardware and software. Goes into depth about how to use application based processors and cheap microcontrollers in your projects.

In Electronics, Microcontrollers, Tech, Jan 18, 2019

Great Guide to The World of Web Development

This book is the most straight-forward introduction to HTML and CSS that I have found. And also this was the most beautifully designed coding manual I have ever seen and it was a pleasure to read too. The way this is written, it will take you from absolute basics to very advanced concepts in no time without any confusion. And this website was also designed after reading this book only.

In Tech, WebDev, Jan 18, 2019

Moonwalking with Einstein: The Art and Science of Remembering Everything

Fascinating book which changes your perspective towards a lot of things in life. This book is written by Joshua Foer about his journey exploring the human brain. I recommend watching his Ted Talk.

In Neuroscience, Memory, Jan 18, 2019