
Hackable Calculator

I’ve been working on making a programmable/hackable/scientific calculator which uses a general purpose microcontroller (ESP 32), has the ability to plot graphs, run python scripts, ha...

In Electronics, Tech, Microcontrollers, Project, Sep 02, 2022

PySerial Plotter

PySerial Plotter is a python app made using tkinter, matplotlib and pyserial library. It lets you plot the serial data you receive over a COM port from a microcontroller. Unlike the o...

In Electronics, Tech, Microcontrollers, Python, Project, Sep 01, 2022

IoT Management Framework API

[Medium Article][]

In Electronics, Project, Aug 19, 2022


This project is a wysiwyg website maker made for people with no tech experience, a user will have to authorise the app with a github account and on the platform user can create a stat...

In WebDev, Project, Aug 18, 2022


Worked with a web3 VC Firm Rising Capital to make RISING STARS, it was a platform like ProductHunt where you could discover the latest Web3 projects and products.I managed the entire ...

In WebDev, Project, Jul 02, 2022

3D Printable IoT Conneted Open-Source Air Purifier with Air Quality Sensor

This project was an attempt to design a low cost kit which can be fitted into handicrafts and can be used as an air purifier while delivering the same performance as a home air purifi...

In Electronics, Tech, Microcontrollers, Project, Feb 05, 2022


BITS UNXTE was an initiative, designed to act as a discovery platform for students of BITS Pilani, so they can connect with like minded peers during the time of their online semesters...

In WebDev, Project, Feb 03, 2022

4*4 Keypad input with just one pin

A 4*4 keypad like in the image below is very widely used in hobby projects, as it is a very inexpensive and easy way to add a input device to yoour projects.

In Electronics, Tech, Microcontrollers, Project, Nov 12, 2021